Before any competitor will be permitted to swim or dive in a meet, this GMAC competitor permission slip must be completed, signed and returned to the team coach. The cost to participate in the 2024 season is $50 per swimmer/diver. Please make checks payable to: Walnut Hills Swim Team
2024 Walnut Hills Swim & Dive Team Registration/Parent Volunteer Sheet
The success of Walnut Hills Swim & Dive Team is dependent upon the generous support provided by ALL families. In order for the swim meets to run smoothly and efficiently, parent volunteers are needed. Depending on the number of families joining the team, it is anticipated that each family will be expected to provide workers for 3-4 meets per season. By providing your availability and preferences, you make it possible for us to attempt to accommodate your interest and schedule. In the event that too few parents volunteer to take on a particular job, executive selection will overrule preferences. Thank you for your support and please fill out one form for each parent.
* These forms are only good for the 2024 season *